
Connecticut too.

Wonder if this is a ploy to see if there is any interest in these shows and if so, they will bring them back.

This list is all out of order.

I just don't find these Carpool Karaoke things funny, although I can kind of understand the charm of having like, Elton John doing it, because he is someone who wouldn't normally be doing something silly like this. But this and 'Celebrity Lip Sing'…I just don't get why people would want to watch that. There is

Agreed. Also, I think that using her brother as the 'comic geek' rather than her, is a fun detail about her life and gives her some backstory. If they tried to shoe-horn in that she was a some rabid comic fan at this point, it wouldn't seem genuine. But to say she was exposed to it through her brother seems about

I feel something bad is in the cards for poor Fiona.

Yeah, I don't understand the complete lack of any character archs this season. IMO, its a show with ok-good stories and amazingly good actors. They should strive to give them better material.

10pm eastern time, so after good wife

I liked this episode. I have never read the original HOB, but I enjoyed it here. Do wish they would do another arch like they have in past seasons, so we get more insight into their lives beyond the murder-of-the-week.
And I am so not looking forward to the move to Sundays! I didn't realize until after it ended last

I would not like Lady Mary and Tom Branson to hook up. I like that they are showing that two people can love and care for each other without wanting to jump into bed together, just like real life sometimes!

Yeah, but come on…Jim and Pam had to end up together. Although when they did, the show tanked. So what am I talking about.

Where are all the 'on the day of the chase I was busy delivering pizza's' stories?!

I think he did okay too. His dialogue is cringe-y (the whole 'Kimmy's bedroom' thing) but I thought he did well.

"It looked like one of those live theatrical stagings that PBS used to air in the 70s"- Thank you!!

This was just pure fun and entertainment, nothing wrong with that!

Agreed, I loved it.

"You like having a good time? Then you need- a-good-watch!"

No, I don’t think so. She is just extremely shy and has been called a
loser her whole life by her brother. She is supposed to be somewhat intelligent
but with just extremely low self-esteem. While Rocky has low intelligence, but
is more confident. So they fit together, aww.

I was hoping some would mention this horror.

So funny, because I was just talking about this the other day. There used to be a restaurant/luncheonette place inside Kmart. I don’t think they have them anymore, at least the one near my house doesn’t.