
if shakira gets sued she won’t have to swear under oath, since her hips don’t lie

Right?! Misogyny, rape, and violence toward women ARE NOT BECAUSE OF FUCKING BLUE BALLS. Getting laid doesn’t magically turn men into nice guys! IT IS NOT SEX WORKERS’ JOBS TO MAGICALLY DEFUSE DANGEROUS MEN. Jesus fucking Christ.

Honestly, this is also why I get angry when people suggest that the way to deal with incels is to send them to sex workers. Sex workers are human beings performing a service; we shouldn’t condone having misogynists anywhere near them. Can you imagine if men did this to other service workers too? Would you take your

Under the umbrella of...

I saw him say that on CNN last night; just about crapped my pants cry-laughing. [OK, maybe I actually did crap my pants. But only a little.]

“I wasn’t wrong,” Dershowitz replied. “I am just far more correct now than I was then. …

I was going to say the accurate answer is that the rape kit will sit in limbo for 4-6 years, conveniently long enough for the statute of limitation to run out. 

The tricky part is staying in the refrigerator long enough for them to set.

Cashmere vagina scarves” = a pussmina, and how am I the ONLY person who thought of that?

Humblebrag of the year slides into the comments at the 11th hour.

Lol Cardi. Even the pope could not stop Henry VIII from being a dog.

It’s a commonly repeated rumor, but even in the tabs the “spree” wasn’t a single shopping day. Instead, it was how much Kate has reportedly spent on wardrobe and “upkeep” (hair, makeup, spa treatments, personal trainers, etc.). But again, the only place you’ll find the £1 million total is in Tabloid articles that

Because the current alternatives are worse and “Medicare for all” sounds more politically palatable than “fuck this shit let’s start over with an NHS” which is what y’all actually want and need.

Blasphemy is a victimless crime.

which would probably outrage the British public more

Titles can be stripped by legality of Parliament but convention would require the Monarch to agree.

I think the Queen is the only one who can do it, and, of course she won't.

Charles at least is known to seriously dislike Andrew which is more than you can say for his mother.

I guess Andrew’s continued existence is proof all those Diana was killed on Philip’s orders conspiracies are false.

I wonder what other people think of your children.