
He was just trying to establish his innocence in saying nothing when he knew a genocide had to happen before he got his crown.

The only reason Bran won is because he brought his own chair.

Bran: I’m not your brother, I’m the Three Eyed Raven.

HBO was willing to pony up all the money the show needed to made right. The network wanted to finance full length seasons. It was Weiss and Benioff who’d come down with a massive case of senioritis and decided to phone it in so that they could move on to other projects like Confederacy and Star Wars. I thought this

Agreed, and as someone who once dreamed of writing novels for Harlequin, her work offends me on a personal level.

She’s so rich, and her writing is so bad. 

Kill yourself.

Also, some women like to have sex, a sex strike isn't just a punishment for men. That sex is a bargaining chip for women is a very outdated view. I’m sure it happens, a lot even, but we’re never going to evolve away from that if women keep saying things like this

Yes, but she is Princess William, not Princess Catherine and that is a distinction most people do not understand.

That is not true. She was not entitled to a RPO after she was no longer HRH, she tried to play it off like it was her choice. It was part of why she was spending time with Dodi, he could afford to hire security.

Because they are the children of the reigning monarch.

This is an incredible accounting of a complicated issue. When I was an active member of NOW, in the late 80s and 90s, I remember my bible being the anthology Sisterhood is Power and joining other women to watch William F. Buckley debate Faye Wattleton (where Wattleton cleaned-up). We joked about S.C.U.M. and made our

Meghan, 2 days after giving birth: walks red carpet in heels and white dress, graciously speaks to the press, smiles.
Me, 2 days after giving birth: gingerly rolls body off bed, stumbles barefoot into bathroom, sees reflection in mirror, bursts into tears.

Oh Brienne, Tormund would’ve never done you that way.

Damn, Ashley. You hit hit us with seven pictures of this fuzzy blobfish in rapidfire succession. You angry at us or what?

In another article, it mentioned that her work was spurned on by financial problems. I just feel terribly for this girl. I do not think this case of student journalism is considered under the 1st amendment (Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier),  but my God the school district ought to try to do something to help this kid find

This is a bad faith interpretation.

I’d say my husband for his part thinks he is an equal partner but he does not see the mental load at all. He also would be fine with our kids never being in an extra curricular, never going to a playdate or having a friend outside of our walls, not having gifts for birthdays/holidays, and no parties for anything, and

Honestly, I also think the whole “aunt-nephew” thing is real overblown in the context of the show. It’s so much less interesting, in a show that involves a brother and sister fucking, than the power dynamic of their relationship.

Which seems to be the same logic as the drinking. ‘Well we don’t know who is going to be drinking a fifth for breakfast and who is going to have one glass of wine when she goes out for a special nobody can have anything’.