
Seeing as I’m a pro-choice right-wing type: Respect is earned. Being cared for doesnt somehow automatically include abortion. There is a compelling moral argument outside of the religious for and against the practice and if you can only see ‘but mah choice’ I’m sorry.

I do not need to like it, I do not even have to

I’m 38, and we’ve been trying for two years. Zilch. We’ve both been tested, and there’s no reason why I’m not pregnant. Given my age, it’s probably too late.

That’s where I think the confusion is for forced-birthers who insist a woman will “regret” their abortion- they mistake being bummed about having to go through it as regret. No one is happy to get an abortion, most just feel relieved. In a perfect world, we would never need abortions because our birth control planning

Thank you so much for sharing your story.

Roman Polanski drugged and raped a girl who never consented. And I don’t want to give children consent to have sex. I just don’t think that a rock star having sex with a 15 year old groupie in the 1970s amounts to anywhere near what Savile did and honestly I think it’s offensive to his victims to compare the two.