
They’re disgusting vermin who hide in the shadows and defile their landscape. Their breeding habits are particularly revolting. For every item they devour, they ruin ten more.

As anyone who has ever been pulled over for speeding knows, yelling “But look at that guy speeding! He’s gotta be doing at least 90!” is not a winning defense strategy.

A Trump campaign official has already pled guilty to collusion with the Russians.

Jared Kushner picked a great time to be out of the country, no?


Calling “Crooked Hillary and the Dems” as a band name now.

Email me

Thank you so much for this. Um, hmmm, heh, hmmm, I’m starting to tear up as I write this. I am going through a really fucking terrible time right now. Not nearly as bad as you were going through by any means, but for me really bad. I needed this? I think? Maybe you’re my note falling out of the journal? I’m not about

Thank you.

OMG. Sincere condolences. Four months is NOT long at all. I hope you have and find all the support you need.

I got a clearer view of Puerto Rico and the relationship it has with the United States and it’s heartbreaking.... it seems like we take take take and never give especially in moments like this after Maria. That the women were being used as guinea pigs to test birth control on bc they were viewed as less than... also

Yeah, fuck your friends. That guy just made that shit up at the last minute to excuse himself from trying to grab you. You were right to trust your instincts!

Yeah that’s really creepy behavior. I always feel kind of bad for locking my car doors if I’m waiting in a parking lot and a stranger walks by, but in your case you were not overreacting. That’s not a normal way to interact with people!

“He lunged for my car door.”

That Camera Obscura story :( Good lord. I’m so glad she trusted her gut and got away safely.

i read some of the comments on that one and they mention the concept of ghosts following people, it reminded me of an acquaintance/almost-friend that would hangout with my friend group. on one occasion he invited 2 guy friends and myself to hangout at his apartment to blaze it, and as it grew late he invited us to

I got entirely too excited about the big black dog one. ITS A GRIM OMG SHE SAW A GRIM!!

Literally laughed out loud at this question. Thank you.

Kinja gonna kinja. Even though it looks like you’re taking away stars, refreshing the page restores the star count and allows you to give stars again. Of course, refreshing the page means you have to find your place again (which is that much harder thanks to infinite scrolling) - yet another reason why Kinja is the

Even when supernatural, doggos only do good :’)