
I like suspenseful movies but not torture porn or movies that go for shock value. Get Out was definitely worth watching.


What is “BLM land”???? Is it Black Lives Matter land?? What is that?

Even when supernatural, doggos only do good :’)

Ooooooh, that last one. I always find the intruder ones the scariest.

I really thought the one about the hole in the wall was not going to make it, but then it was there at the end! thank god cos that one is fucking terrifying and should be like, a lifetime movie or something.

My suggestion is to not other them or reinforce their “mixedness” as exotic. They’re going to feel othered their entire lives by the world.

“Exotic” as a descriptor has been used so much by people when they ask me “what are you?” that it makes my skin crawl. I had a guy follow me two whole train car lengths asking me “what breed are you?” and me telling him to leave me alone. It’s not flattering and it’s not fun to spill out my ancestry to every Tom, Dick

There is no way you can ask without being an asshole. Just don’t.

lol your mom’s response is great

Same. My mom and her friend both married two dudes who were pals and they have a daughter who is like 3 weeks older than me. That basically meant we did fucking everything together growing up. I’ve basically known her since birth. She’s a nice person, but I have zero in common with her and we never hang out (granted,

Interesting that the Issues statements quoted here are all about the needs of others. Women never think of themselves (as individuals) first! Nobody’s saying “I want a tax cut!” “I want Roe v Wade overturned!” “I don’t want statues taken down!” or anything that is self-directed. I wonder if that’s a good thing or not,

When we were in recovery after my recent c-section, my husband called his dad to tell him about his grandson’s birth. Huge moment, right? Anyway, my FIL decided to take the opportunity to give my husband the low-down on what was going on in HIS life (his new girlfriend.) Read the room, dude!

“I want the audience to empty their pockets,” another said forcefully.

Here’s my racist story:

LW1: I’d take things a step further and suggest downgrading this woman from “friend” to “old friend I don’t have much in common with anymore.” You could do lots of work redirecting her away from kid talk, but you already don’t want to talk to her much, and it doesn’t sound like you’re lonely and missing her at this

Some people are just not that self aware. Some people aren’t comfortable dealing with others that are sickly. Some people are just assholes.

As a 12 stepper myself in one of the S programs, Jane’s advice is right on. There’s a reason they tell you to work the steps in order, you’re not really going to know how to do step 9 without doing 1-8 first. Have faith that the “higher power” aspect will reveal the right thing to do in the course of your step work.

Soviet spies actually believed LBJ was behind the killing. Imagine all of today’s children looking at this and thinking LeBron James killed JFK.