
It is not a new thing. There were always guys that did this, but this whole dating culture really didn’t happen way way back in the last century so you didn’t pick up stalkers that way. When you met someone you married them and then that was it, if you divorced, they got the kids, house, etc. and you were out of luck.

We were living on our boat for about 14 months and everything was wonderful. We had minor skirmishes early on with a mosquito bloodbath (killed 20 before I could sleep, bloodstains still on the bedroom ceiling), a spider infestation (one crawled on my book as I was reading myself to sleep - shriek!) but nothing beat

Snake Plisskin is my daddy!

In the United States the word “graft” is used to describe kickbacks or favors to bureaucrats or politicians that are intended to buy a certain outcome. It is used commonly in modern terms when talking about politicians who have accepted bribes. You may not have heard it, but it is a correct term that is currently in

In the United States the word “graft” is used to describe kickbacks or favors to bureaucrats or politicians that are intended to buy a certain outcome.

Betty is my mom, Don is my dad. My sister and I are the perfect age so that we have completely bonded over the series, recognizing details (cigarette purse!), decor (that bedroom lamp!), dresses, attitudes, and workplace behaviors from those time periods. Betty even LOOKS like my mom. So seeing this episode was a

I understand the difference quite well, having been in the workforce for more than 30 years - that's why I used the quotation marks around "impossible". The reason that term is used is because you should strive for something that you don't think is possible, but is not delusional. At the time I wrote these goals, I

So - this was interesting. I did a work sponsored several weeks long self improvement course (Brian Tracy Phoenix course) back in the late 90's. As part of that course they told you to set some "impossible" goals to achieve in the next 10 years and write them down. I had these in a day planner that I used for a year

She should have been able to keep her coverage under COBRA under those circumstances.

Yes these places exist but please don't include Outward Bound among them. Outward Bound has great programs for all ages, and they are not the "scared straight" programs, they are inward and outward explorations. Kids go camping, kayaking, rock climbing, snowboarding, all kinds of different adventures, and at the