Every Bernie Sanders Stan who used Killer Mike as the ultimate “He has a black friend!” move can now, officially, kiss the blackest part of my ass.
Every Bernie Sanders Stan who used Killer Mike as the ultimate “He has a black friend!” move can now, officially, kiss the blackest part of my ass.
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! And it’s not just “white people run the federal government,” it’s “white people dominate the entire fucking political spectrum, especially when it comes to punditry, analysis, and narrative.” Openly advocating, fighting for, and supporting Black folks too much gets a politician shat upon from all…
Jill Stein was an unqualified anti-vaxxer, her black friend was a guest on the podcast of a Holocaust denier, Bernie is useless, and Nina Turner is in the Sunken Place.
This is about the only opinion out there that makes any damn sense.
Im just tired of all this “the Democrats are awful, we need to vote for third party” candidates shit. Like, if you want the Democratic party to be better, VOTE FOR BETTER DEMOCRATS. Vote for black men and black women and Latinx people and Middle Eastern and brown skinned people and Asian people and just VOTE FOR…
The issue I always have with people talking about voting third-party, is that the third party candidates aren’t about jack shit either. This isn’t a “Democrats and Republicans and the two party system” problem; it’s a “white people run the federal government” problem.
But they complained. Whole parts of this story is missing. And I feel like if the text message was anything their lawyers would release it.
Yeah, this is all kinds of bullshit. Is the text like The Ring? You get the text and you “die?”
It’s a good strategy when the other option is the greater of two evils.
Banks worth between $50 billion and $250 billion would no longer have to worry about proving to regulators that they could survive another crash
Yeah, the Punisher is pretty much just a well armed, psycho killer. Travis Bickle with branding.
They don’t remember that he’s a remorseless cop killer, who happily murders any police officer suspected of corruption?
I’m more interested what he thinks about the cops that worship the Punisher and put his logo on their cop cars. That’s the most horrifying one for me.
She got 3 million more votes than her opponent. But sure, let’s shit on her as an incompetent loser.
I know the abiding manifesto of this site is Hillary Clinton and all she stands for is beneath contempt but this article is revolting.
I hope Hillary is in DGAF mode; a tweet from her account with a picture of a pair of knitting needles on top of a copy of A Tale of Two Cities would make for great takes.
Gee a man calling a snarky video made by millenial assholes lecturing an accomplished female a dumb scandal. Yeah 2017 was a banner year for men showing their asses in a variety of ways.
Yes, suggesting that the former Secretary of State should take up knitting WAS SO FUNNY!!!!!!!eleven.
This was a fucking stupid idea from the start and it just got stupider.
Trying to fathom why you are defending this crap. Nope. I can’t. Male? Probably.