It's not your sex or age that inspire people to call you a child.
It's not your sex or age that inspire people to call you a child.
I don’t care what anyone says, I love Philippe Reines. He is one of very few bare-knuckled brawlers Democrats have. He does not give a fuck. The media decided before Hillary even announced her candidacy that they were going to go negative on her because they thought she would have no competition, and they didn’t let…
This article is as sexist as the video was. No, Uberti, the problem with the video was not about “knitting,” it was about telling an accomplished woman to get out of public life, sit home, shut up, and do something “traditional.” How tone deaf is it for the response to outrage about sexism to be that Clinton…
I love the fact that we’re discussing natural hair, but I don’t really consider weaves and braids to be natural. They use hair bought from poor people thousands of miles away (environmentally unsustainable) and hide the natural texture of our hair. They can be beautiful and useful, but they aren’t “natural.”
It's the same word and same meaning. The only difference is pronunciation.
Thank you.
Ralphie May actually grew up around black people so he knows not to cross that line. Lampanelli thinks dating a black man is like going on safari. We're supposed to think she's cool enough to use that word.
Speak for yourself.
The only people who could conceivably lend insight to the Lanzas are the husband and brother. Have they ever spoken to the press about them? Even if they are estranged, they should have more information to share than what psychologists can guess at from afar.
I think people drink in hopes of falling asleep easily or otherwise being relaxed in an uncomfortable situation.
Nope. Not pissed off at all. I'm used to conversing with impotently angry people on the Internet. Kind of comes with the territory.
Here's hopin'!
I like them both, though Hathaway annoys me more. I hate people to give Swift a hard time, though. She's only 23 and has accomplished so much; I think people just like to tear others down.
Wow, I'm impressed with how nasty and angry you seem about this. I find it difficult to hold a grudge against someone I don't know and who has done nothing to me. I can't generate that much energy around Chris Brown.
I don't think so. Swift seems like the girl next door, not a goody two shoes. Good two shoes to me is someone who tries really hard to be a good person, like when Hathaway jumped back on stage to thank a couple people she'd forgotten at the Golden Globes. She was trying so hard to show everyone what a good person she…
How far do a lack of forgiveness and no second chances and no tolerance get us? Nowhere.
People stop maturing at 23? If he hasn't changed by 23, it's all over for him, we might as well write him off?
True, but not anything that is completely out of the ordinary for a young, pampered douchebag; nothing particularly of note if he weren't Chris Brown. He broke a window. He got into a fight with a guy who started shit with his crew. His crew and Drake's crew got into a melee (though neither Chris nor Drake were…