The 5 girlfriends my grandpa had across the country were definitely no secret to my grandma. She only drew the line to divorce when I caught him en flagrante with the live in housekeeper when I was 10. Haha reality, sad face.
I must say cheers to the denial of Ann Coulter.
*you’re supposed to overlook the welfare queens because Kate & William & babies?
I liked him better fat too!! It just works for some people! Then he was a lil bitch telling someone to kill themselves on twitter... That’s when you know you’re the king of douches, when someone says something you don’t like on twitter and have to resort to that level of childish lashing out. Especially as a…
I didn’t hear about that, but I’m not surprised, which that in itself is depressing, on top of the soul crushing fact that people like this exist.
Any large and/or wealthy company/corporation has ex-leos, legal firms to help with unseemly behavior before it gets out to the public. It’s called America bro, check her out. Rich people don’t need to suffer the same consequences as the plebs and they have the money to ensure that, i.e. “affluenza”. But I’m sure you…
I feel much guilt for laughing at this.
Gotta love me some brown dude, riches be damned, man. *high five*
Y’know, now that I think about it, I’ve stopped watching all the games that don’t involve who I’m rooting for... I Just leave the games on for that familiar nap time background noise.
Well, luckily for her she found a $54,000 a year teaching job at her old hs (guaranteed with a long term contract) right before the great recession, talked my grandpa into buying her house, 2 cars, 2 quads and 2 jetskis, and at 31 she is single with no kids. While I was disowned and disinherited for marrying a brown…
Honestly, at this point when I see people wearing cowboys gear, they might as well be using whites only restrooms and hitting black people with bricks.
I just don’t understand the mentality behind victim blaming. Like... who does that help? I guess it makes lazy idiots feel better and is easier than facing truths.
That would be amazing though. But at every game for the rest of the season/his career.
Fuck Stephen A Smith. He’s one of the biggest pieces of shit on this planet, and that’s saying a lot when said planet also has Dick Cheney.
I want to agree, but damn it I have hope people can change. I feel like my team’s organization is one of the ones that is legitimately trying to do some good and not be just another group of misogynist pieces of shit, and I hope that it rubs off on other teams.
You did the right thing. It’s fucking sinister to defend someone like this, especially when all they do is play an extravagant game of catch. I love football and my team (Go Cards!) but really? Defending a dude like this? Your brother has problems that you most definitely do not want to be a part of. I stopped talking…
Ew this made me feel sick. Well, even more sick than the initial story.
Fingers crossed for some really serious concussions to bring on the CTE that much faster. This dude deserves to sit in pants filled with his own shit.