
Cool. But I was talking about A New Hope. So, I guess that means I agree with your entire point. I like RotJ but it has severe issues! You are dead on with everything you say, which are the main problems, and on top of that I think aesthetically it makes many mistakes, which I suppose is something critics couldn't

This isn't your typical nerdy internet site, so hopefully I can state this seemingly controversial opinion without being called 'gay' or a 'terrorist', but… Episode IV is surely the best, isn't it? It has a perfect start-to-finish story with the most natural balance of pulp serial, sic-fi and ancient epic. It's

Nope. Snoozefest. Which, considering how 'batshit crazy' it is, is surely the worst crime!

Whoa whoa whoa. My comment was not about trashing Speed Racer, in fact it was about respecting and appreciating the effort for not just being a generic modernisation like Transformers, GI Joe or Jem. Just because I didn't think it ultimately paid off doesn't mean you can't like it (although "best film of 2008" is

Yeah but, y'know… good. I will always believe that any idea has the potential to be a masterpiece. Now I wouldn't expect it from a live action Jem film, but it's all about the intention. Look at the concept of the cartoon, pretty crazy. Can you imagine if, for example, Edgar Wright made this movie? The source material

They have gone in the complete wrong direction for this movie. It could have been deliriously pop-y and throwing it's 80s cartoon style right in your face. And not in a so-bad-it's-good way, like most people seem to be trying with this stupid 80s resurgence, but a legitimately crazy, inventive, imaginative movie. This

Great, I'll give it a go!

How far in is that?

I don't mean it like that. If it is a well-written teen drama then I am sure I will like it, however Saga seems as far away from a teen drama as you could get, which is why the language of the characters felt so out of place

I don't mind the R-rated stuff necessarily, but the whole book seems to focus on the side of modern pop-culture that seems to pander to young people. That hasn't explained it at all, but I know what I mean. The characters seemed to act like they have stepped out of a teen drama (in terms of their language, habits and

I read the first issue and did not care for it (I am not judging the entire series on this, it could have gone on to be the greatest series ever since for all I know). After the noise surrounding it got bigger and bigger, I felt like I was missing out and so revisited it hoping to start upon an amazing series. But I

Thank you, Skyfall is an absolute mess of a film for many many reasons that would take up half this thread if I were to list them. Also, the conditions were perfect for people to try and justify their love of a new Bond film far more than it ever deserved, e.g. the 50th anniversary, the Olympics bringing about more

Was going to post that! Glover's delivery of that line is beautiful

30 Rock was the best for me and definitely the most consistent throughout every season. It was the smartest, funniest, tightest show that broke down single and multi-cam sitcoms as well as SNL while being great in its own right (and Alec Baldwin is some kind of God). Community is now a mess but the first 3 seasons

4) Don't have her inexplicably beaten up by cartoon monkeys

Like Super 8! That film was so good at technically replicating the style of E.T. but forgot to actually make a half-decent movie underneath. A pointless exercise

What makes you think that Spielberg is the right choice? I'm genuinely asking. What has he done since Jurassic Park that makes you think he would be suitable? AI is muddled but good, and since then he has moved from weak oscar bait like Lincoln, which was barely a movie, to mediocre-at-best blockbusters like War of

Manimal. All the pets in one

I disagree. I like their ideas and their ambition, but they can't direct! Has anyone watched The Matrix recently? It isn't as good as it may have seemed at the time. Although they would get the grand sic-fi and philosophy of it, their Dune would be too glossy and cartoony-looking with misplaced action. Dune is

It also didn't help that Galadriel, Elrond and Saruman were each played in by their respective LotR themes during that scene. None of them meshed and it felt like wrestlers' entrance songs! Further proving that these films are nothing more than a gimmick