
I actually like the film. The script is great, the story is moving, some of the cinematography and miniatures are stunning. It meets classic B movie stylings with genuinely awe-inspiring modern spectacle sometimes. I love how Jack Black acts as a greek chorus to the whole thing, but scenes like this chase ruined it

Yeah I was thinking of that scene in particular. Horrible, horrible stuff. I am obviously happy with Kong and the dinos themselves being CG, but its the way he abuses the power given to him. If he did not have access to this level of CG, this chase scene does not make it into the film. And it would be better for it

So the guy who remade Kong, dragged The Hobbit into 3 films (all 4 of these using 'all the technology' excessively), is set to remake The Dam Busters and a sequel to Tintin (which is 100% 'technology') is criticising franchise-driven, technology-using cinema? Takes one to know one, I guess

He spelled 'Yale' with a 6

Funnily enough, Tauriel is my favourite thing about these movies, which in itself is probably a criticism. I understand that people don't think this kind of love story belongs in a Tolkein story, but these films are so beyond recognition anyway. It's not because she is smoking hot, which she is, but because she has a

I don't think it can be done, although it would improve it, because even the core scenes are deeply, deeply flawed.
Right, I genuinely feel like I have misunderstood the ending of the second one. This is what I thought happened..

"I'm doing what I wished I could have done years ago where we didn't really have the means or the technology to do it properly back then" Seriously, its almost word-for-word what Lucas said about the special editions!

Thor 2 was hilariously bad. Does not bode well

How does one look resourceful? I'm asking because it could come in handy for job interviews

It was originally set for 2015 when production began. Studio gave him an extra year

The stormtrooper landing was the worst part! Definitely the least star wars-y. It looks too modern and tight rather than stepping back and letting the scene breathe. I have also seen that scene in other non-star wars films before, which should immediately be a no-go. Loved the opening Boyega shot, that was how it

It would have been less entertaining and more bland at first, but would never become a vanity project for its star to overact as himself every time he is on camera, reminding you every second that he is the star

Snunnmnnuhnum nuh nay

BUT… How would you then account for Futurama being almost as bad since the end of season 4?? An 'Olive, The Other Reindeer' sequel where the characters describe Fry describing the Simpsons?

It can still exist within the same continuity and still be self contained and not exist only within the context of the next Avengers team up, but clearly Marvel/ Disney wanted more cameos, nods to other films etc. Also, they did give him notes to rewrite the script with Joe Cornish until they hired other writers to

Scott Baio is not Sancho

Every song on Arabia Mountain was a winner! One of the best albums that year

I feel like they missed a trick. They could've said "all of their strengths, none of their weaknesses" about their cloned selves, seen as how much they loved to watch Blade together

"Daddy needs to get his rocks off!"