
They really should make a number of the "features" optional. I'm doing this as soon as I get home. Thanks.

Yeah, because I said I wanted it. hahaha. Thanks for pointing that out. And I also spelled Dredd incorrectly. Oh well.

Demolition Man remake could be awesome.

Let's not mention Stargate Universe in the same sentence as anything. Nothing deserves to be associated with that piece of crap. Well, probably Battlefield Earth.

If Hackers was remade there's no way it would be nearly as good. I love that movie so much for the ridiculous visions of cyberspace, rooftop pools, displays that look crispy in the dark and excitement surrounding 28.8 bps modems.

I'm with the scientist, most times when I find out the science behind a specific phenomenon it becomes much more interesting and intriguing to me. But I'm a nerd, maybe it's different for regular folk if there is such a thing.

Same here. Too bad it's not on Netflix streaming, I was about to suggest an io9 XBOX Live party to watch. Womp womp.

Robot Jox! Bam! Haven't seen that movie in quite a long time and most people have never seen it. Very entertaining film though, even though it's extremely ridiculous. Bad movie marathon material.

Not surprising at all the the Friendswood, TX Police department is found to have some deplorable behavior. I've heard more than a few bad things over the years about them and this seems to coincide with those stories.

Kat + crumpets? Where do I sign up? In my mind, all articles will be read with a British accent which means UK Giz > US Giz

She does something really awful but instead of apologizing she brings her friends in on it and asks you all to make fun.

When it comes to certain topics of conversation they pass you off to their sister.

Right on time in my book. Well done. You get 100 internet points

When they tell you about their day at work they allow you to select their latest or most popular stories.

All their best stories you already read on io9

I imagine the inner monologue going something like this:

It's ok to express your real feelings here Kermi . . . except when the Gizmodo staff doesn't like your expression, no matter how accurate it may be. In other words your expression is not allowed ESPECIALLY when it's extremely accurate. Then it's not ok. I'm waiting for them to put out a pre-screened list of

If you don't like the guy because on your first date he takes you to one-man shows based on serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer's life story, fine. Maybe you think he's not interesting, whatever. But to dismiss a guy because he plays a game? I guess if that's all he talked about . . . I mean . . . that's not what it

My sentiments exactly. The kitchen is one of the most popular places people use their tablet in my personal experience (friends with tablets) and in things I've read. It definitely makes sense. Using it in the tub, as mentioned, for reading would also be a big plus I'd think.

Sooooo something like Dinocroc vs Supergator is good enough to be aired on TV but a Battlestar Gallactica movie is not? I don't follow.