
"Flight Anomaly" is code for "Joshua decided he wanted to play a game"

Instead of taking it out, just use it to tunnel to the nearest bank. I'm sure nobody would notice.

I felt like a big winner just for being there, but Adventure Time really was EVERYWHERE. I honestly had never heard of the show but everywhere I went there were people wearing the hats and AT things being handed out. I am definitely going to check out the show just to see what all the buzz was about.

It really depends on how the test is administered and how long the stuff stays in your sweat. If you clean up your fingers before the test to remove any remnants from things you may have touched and then test, that would make sense. But if the sweat is going to contain alcohol from the drinking you did 24 hours

That panel was great although the Q&A was cut short. I'm glad they fit in a few more questions but there weren't any spectacular questions asked. The panel did tend to take what was asked and run with it throwing in voices here and there. Great fun, totally worth the incredible line.

It's different mediums but it's the same story so people are always going to draw comparisons. If there was a big piece or something you felt was important from the story that was in the books but left out of the movie it would be hard to ignore.

I agree, but they're trying to make a buck. I guess they don't have enough of those already. They really should do something different. Playing off celebrities is cheesy in my opinion.

I vote for 10. Is this a vote? I don't care, I vote for 10.

I've never read the books. You know why? Because I liked the movies and I thought "Hey, if I read the books I'll just ruin my viewing experience." I guess I was right. Now that I've seen them all I may read the books. Though, I think you're right, let them stand on their own. A movie is never as good as the book.

Google, can you do something cool and give special badges to highly intelligent minds like scientists, engineers etc? It would be way better to follow someone like that.

". . . And I'm really into role playing . . ."

Thanks, my Monday production level just dropped from a respectable 70% to a disgustingly low 30% and I won't even be hungover!

Enabling cheaper access to where we've been would be we've found a better way to launch rockets, carry payloads etc. I fail to see how that wouldn't advance the space frontier. With better technology, techniques and abilities we will be in a better position to propel ourselves beyond where we've already been.

It is kind of sad that it was so incredibly expensive. I remember it holding a lot more music than most people had with tapes or CDs. Oh Sony, someday you'll figure out this whole, product/price/marketing thing.

[Insert Lion into Lamb cliche joke here]

No Reliant Robin?!?! (Series 15, Episode 1) The entire sequence of Jeremy driving and crashing the Reliant Robin is hilarious! And then, the next episode I believe, the Stig takes it around the track with predictably hilarious results! That episode is so great.

I'm not so sure that's not an animatronic monkey. The eyes just look so glassy. Neat story I suppose. I'd like to see the rest of the photos, even if they are blurry.


"See you in 2013"

You're lookin at it. gr8wayn is something I use on different sites, although in the last couple years I've been slowly transitioning to another name . . . . I fear change.