
It was odd to me that Nokia's CEO said switching to Android would've "felt like giving up". You switched to Windows Phone 7 which was also giving up on your sorry OS. Either way. If you think Windows Phone 7 is better, fine, but I think we all know it's not at the moment. Perhaps they have some kind of grand plan

Sorry Symbian workers, your OS sucks. If it was better this wouldn't have happened. On a related note:

Not a joke: I started reading this on my computer and my EVO reset. Bangerang?

Shoot giiirrrrl, you be lookin so fine with yo turbines and sh!!t. I wanna get all up on you with my Prius!

@Fredrick Beondo: Yeah, he certainly picks up some pieces of electronics between the two films. Definitely a good point.

I immediately thought of Jinno from Afro Samurai. He was a human but then he almost dies but gets rescued, sort of, by the Empty 7 Clan who make him a cyborg with a giant teddy bear head helmet over his head. Afro Samurai and Afro Samurai: Resurrection are both definitely worth a watch. A lot of bad-assery in there

He's not dead, he just finally decided to retire and hang out with Evil Kenevil.

@Wolfstone is informative: Very true, although I did think that was the best part of 2 and 3 were some of the action scenes. We shall see.

I'm just going to see the 2nd and 3rd as catalysts for moving the story to this next film. Yeah, they weren't very good but if the Wachowskis are promising this next film or two will rule, they probably will. They should if they've spent this much time on the script.

@jtl310: Yeah, I think you're right, the under garments are definitely the most important. I mean that's where all the sweat and really dirty, smelly bacteria lives. If you're just doing some regular walking around and not playing sports etc you'll probably be alright.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Yeah, I unsubscribed after a month. I read Gizmodo all the time and was tired of my news feed being inundated with posts that I had already read.

Being recorded is supposed to affect how you do your job Mr. Mark Donahue. You freaking idiot. It should keep you in line. If you're an officer of the law and you're upholding the law like you SHOULD BE then you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Police officers have to be some of the sketchiest people on the

Kat, it'll be alright. When you're a college student you live with college student hygiene. YES, 15 months is a little (read: a lot) over the line, but he'll move on to some more typical hygienic practices (I hope).

@fughedaboudit: I are we talking about jeans or kittens, Or jeans made out of kittens? It's early, I'm confused.

So apparently your article is extortion? What are you trying to get out of them Gizmodo? Perhaps you need an inflatable car to save a bit of money.

The best part is that the can says "Veni Vidi Vici". It's ironic because you never conquer whiskey, it conquers you and I don't just mean in Soviet Russia.

Craigslist is always coming through. This person has a 6 Dick Changer in their car:

Do we know what this bacteria is or did we just decide to thaw it out, let it reproduce and see what happens?

To almost every girl in that series of photos: Yes, I will be happy to let you take me on a date. Feel free to ask anytime.

@saboth: Hahaha, it's funny because I'm pretty sure every guy who reads this story thinks something along the same lines. Way too many hormones flying around at that point.