
As you said, this is popular internationally. I was recently in Tokyo and there you can use your phone instead of a Passmo of Suica card, use it to pay at stores and I even saw someone use it at an ATM to withdraw money.

@themightyspitz: I'm sure the 'Church of Scientology' makes pretty good bank every year

"What excuse does AT&T have for not delivering as reliable a network as Verizon again?"

You'd still look like a lunatic, but a lunatic with a totally bad ass toaster.

This seems like something for when you are away from home on vacation. I wouldn't use this on a regular basis because I would come home one night after having a few too many and get sprayed. That would be an awful ending to the evening.

I have a Wolfgang Puck rice cooker that is absolutely money.

That's a pretty crazy picture. I am in Tokyo right now and was just there at that intersection yesterday. There are so many people here it is kind of insane to imagine it without a single soul.

@psychiccheese: Mix up a little something my friends and I like to call Blackout Juice:

Its tough to say having never played with Kinect before. It reminds me of when Guitar Hero or Rock Band came out. I had never played it and it kind of looked and sounded ridiculous. Once I played it was a lot of fun, especially with friends and the cost became a little more reasonable for the amount of fun to be

@WhisperALullaby: I can attest to the two TV scenario being convenient, even in a roommate situation. My roommate in college and I had a second TV setup in the living room with a second xbox. If someone wanted to watch TV they could do that and the other could still play games. It truly is an underrated setup.

I don't know if anyone has tried this but I'm sure a coat of clear nail polish on the antenna would do the trick to fix the reception issue. It would allow you to maintain the look of the iPhone 4 as well.

This is the setup all people should have if even for gf watching crappy reality tv and bf playing video game or watching some other show. Women that I know seem to just want to spend time near and around their significant other and men I know are happy to oblige if they can still do whatever activity they are

This is an excellent article. I always think it is interesting to learn some of neural effects certain substances have on the brain. Reminds me of Mouse Party, a flash example of the effects of drugs on the brain. Excellent explanation of how different drugs effect the receptors within the brain.

There really needs to be a skype app for my EVO. I was curious about the fring functionality that was mentioned because fring on my EVO did not support skype. Was this always the case or did I check after the functionality was removed perhaps?

@sirmeili: I need the money to implement the plan. That's what the funding is for, not for myself.

Someone give me $10,000 and 90% I'll stop the leak. 50 grand and I'll stop it 100% Guaranteed.

Giz, can we can some investigative reporting to find out who the two culprits were and what exactly they did?

@LittleJon: Not excuses, but the reasons. Difference. He's not trying to excuse his actions, just offering and explanation.

Rosa, have you gotten a thousand Fring friend requests since you posted this?