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    I would love to see a Zelda nes remake, but then it might not have the same feel to it. Anyone else?

    Also last paragraph (the) should be (This).

    I don't play magic or any other card game for that matter so I don't really have a say in all this, but if I was about to play a game and I noticed the marks I would stop and take myself out of the game before the game even started. I would assume he noticed them so that means he had the chance to back out but chose

    Same here I was so disappointed in the switch. I absolutely hate indy games and the rest are ported games with only a handful of new games. I think Nintendo ran out of ideas or just wanted a cheap way to pump out games to make money. 

    I could see lots of uses for it. 1 example would be on university, getting from class to class. You don’t have to live in a city to use one. I personally just use an electric bicycle though. 60+ mph. Does the job for me.

    I would never use one of those cheap locks. People can break through the cable with a pair of nail clippers. Most locks can be broken or cut with tools. Even the U locks can be Pried open with a piece of wood. The only type of lock I use is a thick 15 mm thick Steal chain. Those can be cut with a saw but it takes to