
Sssh! Kinja hears all.

Kinja happened.

These worlds are mystical.

Way more fun looking than Parkour and you avoid splitting your nuts on the railings. 10/10

Skyrim with Parkour - IGN

Wishful thinking? This is real life!

Was this made by Mario Galaxy development team by any chance?

This might be my first Assassin's Creed.

Because Link has been a guy since he was created so as you can deduce switching gender is BIG!

It's just a cash thing. Nintendo knows it's bullshit but they also know people will buy it because Skylanders made lots of money.

Yeah it look so dull, so shit.

That'd be killer.

I wouldn't mind at all man. Nice change.

That'll be Star Fox.

There will for sure be a Metroid. Bayonetta + Metroid Suit = easter egg

I keep telling people that the Metroid suit shown in Bayonetta is an easter egg asserting that there will be a Metroid in the future.

Have you looked over the source code? Beautiful.

Bet if CoD was no Wii U.. Kappa

It's FUCKING DOOM. It's allowed to be CGI. It's a teaser trailer not "gameplay." Out of all the trailers you could have bitched at, it had to be this one. I will not allow this! >:|

Yeah dude

RIP Gr4bb2