
What controller are they supposed to show for the article thumbnail then?

Do you just not want it to be a DS4, and would be fine with them showing a Switch Pro or something because you just really really likey your PS4, or do you want them to snag some image of a random Logitech controller off of Google Images or

In the name of the triangle, X, circle and square you will not slander the one true controller. Baptized by the divine prophet Crash Bandicoot we are charged to defend Sony’s honor from heathen lies. If indeed it was a DS4, no doubt some loathsome Xbox-player planted it as false evidence. I wouldn’t put it past

I think they chose to use the DS4 because the PS4 is hands down the most popular (or best selling at least) console at the moment, which makes it the controller that was most likely argued over. It’s definitely not intended to be a negative statement toward the PS4.

You say an unspecified controller, but use a picture of the DS4? A bit of a douche thing to do.

I think you should be responsible journalists and not use a branded controller for the cover of article when its unspecified what controller it was.

You say an unspecified controller, but use a picture of the DS4? A bit of a douche thing to do. Sadly, this incident will have more people jumping on videogames than it will on how a 9 year old got a gun, and loaded it if it wasn’t. This story is the definition of why gun control is needed.

Wait, what? Did the scalpers pull the manuals out to sell them separately or something?

Is this a new release that I have to buy again, or is it an update to the existing version?

Highly doubt that but maybe EA is beginning to learn? Now for Activision to learn...

I can very easily understand the White House’s disgust with those gaming clips.

So essentially:

Can’t wait for Black Ops 5

ESA schools Trump so Trump responds by harashly punishing video game industry.

I’ve never actually cared enough about cosmetics to spend real money on them, but it’s so crazy to me that apparently companies can make more revenue off slot machines than they would if they just sold things piecemeal in a store. It really is predatory, appealing to the secret (or not-so-secret) gambling addiction

Cosmetic-only lootboxes are still lootboxes.

He just says what he thinks people want to hear.

Honestly by this point and I say this with all seriousness if you want to deal with Trump and get the most bang for your buck. Just bribe the hosts of Fox and Friends to say nice things about you and your issue. Canada want to save NAFTA? Bribe Fox and Friends, ESA want to make this annoyance go away? Bribe Fox and

Jesus Christ is it 1993 still? Hasn’t this “link” been debunked numerous times by now, if I recall right, if anything violent games act as more of a release for pent up aggression. But by all means, lets point fingers at pointless topics to obfuscate the real issue. I’m so sick of all this #winning...

And do what exactly? Tell them they can’t make violent games anymore? Let’s just get rid of violent movies or tv shows then. Or here’s a novel idea: revise gun laws so a random teenager can’t buy it off the street and shoot his school to pieces.

Need dat cerebral bore