
I’m only here to say one thing:

I don’t mind having lots of pouches... .but they were always too small and in too many odd awkward places. How many eye glass repair kits does one superhero need anyway?


Lighten up, Francis.

For all the shit fans have given Liefeld over the years (and yes, he deserves plenty of it), he’s never come across as mean or mean-spirited, which is nice. He knows that his style is overblown and he can be “in” on the joke, too.

Did he though? Or did he just draw a pair of foot sized pouches?

Crap, you mean this shit WAS legal? Hoo. And the real thing wasn’t. Well, that’s politics.

I hope the Democratic Party is smart enough to put marijuana legalization on the top of the pile of platform items in the next election. I don’t know one other item that could unify voters more than this.

Weed is so easy to get, no idea why anyone buys that synthetic crap, especially after all the stories of people ODing. Have you ever seen anyone OD on weed? Of course not :)

A year and a half ago, there were 52 overdoses in a single week here in STL. That’s nuts.

Let Cheeseburger and Peaches ride in trunk beds too.

My guess is animations.

Came here to post this same thing. I was playing with my buddy in co-op and the first thing I said was, “wait, you mean he’s got to chase us in the car the whole damn way???”

Furthermore, Cheeseburger should be able to drive the car.

This was instantly my first question after unlocking him as a companion and getting into a truck. WHY? It’s just dumb.

When push comes to shovel...

Thickness checks out.

Now if only the developers would have allowed boomer to ride on the front seat of my truck with me like my real dog does then I would be happy.

Yeah, a heavily-lauded blockbuster is usually optimal and all, but Plus is so satisfying when you get those games you were just on the edge of buying, wanting to try them but not quite confident enough to spring for the purchase.

That Elastigirl!! OMG!!
Now I’m even MORE excited for the new movie this summer!!