
Yup, the matchmaking is an absolute shit show.

GTAO could have been great. But it has one of the worst multiplayer matchmaking systems imaginable. It’s super slow, inconsistant and shows zero intelligence when it comes to finding a party to add you to. I loved single player and I did my best to ignore GTAO’s bs matchmaking but it’s just too shit to put up with.

Right? Sorry, but you don’t get that label, no matter how much you want it, ma’am. I seriously doubt she’s gone through half the stuff most fat women have. That’s some Rachel Dolezal-level shit.

Dating is an absolute mindfuck.

Ah yes, I remember how readers of this particular site showed their true colors the first time Jezebel reported on this.

But it wasn’t an indie developer, no SJWs were involved, and nobody slept with each other. I’m confused!

I was struck by something that happened the other day. Yesterday I was playing Destiny solo; trying to kill Urzok the Hated on my alts so that I’ll have three level 34 characters leveled and geared up for The Taken King. He is a tough cookie and after several attempts to kill him solo I turned to Destiny LFG for some

The last time I saw that many personlized handshakes Michael J. Fox was sending out Christmas cards.

Every time I hear Tomcat I immediately go looking for the MiG.

This.....this is just evil. There I said it. Having the ability to grow a nice beard is a blessing and a privilege. To squander that in this manner is a fuck you to every male who can’t grow a beard; men who will never know what it is like to look like a real man. Also what the fuck is up with keeping the half neck

Is it just me or is she not that great of a pornstar? Terrible looking boob job and sub par skills. I feel like people are into her because they get to watch a middle eastern woman fuck. Or maybe it’s just her social media presence.

Cats are at least chaotic neutral. True neutral be boring af.

Gettin’ real fucking tired of this no Android shit.

I had a BlackWidow and was shocked at how cheaply made it seemed. This is strange because Razer’s mice are generally well built. I returned it and bought a G110, which I don’t love but for the price it has suited me just fine.

I had a BlackWidow and was shocked at how cheaply made it seemed. This is strange because Razer’s mice are generally

You say “absurd difficulty”, I say “doesn’t coddle the weak”.

everyone should pick up the ps4 version of skullgirls

Being an Army brat always made the seperation between military life and civilian life weird. Especially if you grew up on bases. Some things civilian families will just never understand.

Witcher 3 is a fun game. I am having fun playing this fun game. It is very pretty. I like pretty things. I...I don’t know what else to say.

How much did you actually play the other mobas? It’s understandable this one is accessible, but I’m having a hard time taking people serious when they put in a ‘initial few games’ for a game with a rough learning curve, then dismiss them as ‘lesser’ when it’s obvious it has successful formulas.