It’s actually not copyrighted in Brazil. Here foreign music and other things have to be registered here or is public domain.
It’s actually not copyrighted in Brazil. Here foreign music and other things have to be registered here or is public domain.
It’s amazing how generous all of the commenters are . . . with other people’s money.
I’m very interested to know how many people in this comment section would have actually cut a $130,000 dollar check to the caddy in this situation; my guess is about 5-10%.
The US Navy really is in a bit of a mess right now, and not just for the reasons that were outlined in this article.
“facists” “Religous outcasts” Ubisoft: THIS GAME ISNT POLITICAL.
I can imagine that he doesn’t ever want to feel like he did that day.
or you’re just paid to overthink this stuff.
Spider-Man’s portrayal of policing feels divorced from reality
Yet another “why is this even an article on Kotaku?” moment.
I don’t post notes like this in Soulsborne games, nor do I find them funny... however, getting tilted enough to make a 2 page dissertation on the matter is fucking ludicrous. Go outside. Lighten up. Do literally anything else with your life.
In 1994 you could go to Seattle where they were printing Magic and request cards for print. It was a little expensive for the time, but I was able to fill out my collection of beta — 4 copies of each card — for about $400.
which is a different thing that is not racism
It looks like a lot of people fail because, once they land on top of the box, their legs are too fatigued to move for balance. A lot of Crossfit is about working to fatigue, but that approach looks dangerous for box jumps.
Especially Front Mission 2! It has a much deeper customization system and you can use a lot more units on the field. The first game is decent and was released on the DS if you haven’t tried it.
When I found out years after I first played this game that there was an entirely different storyline depending on some early game choices I was completely shocked. I wish they’d release more of these in the west.
did you guys not even bother to read the initial tweet that he posted in response to her 29(!) long tweet string about her job? he said literally zero about anything at all having to do with her sex, he was merely disagreeing with her on her choices. it was HER that became hostile and made it all about being a female…
Buddy, if the internet has taught me one thing is that EVERYTHING is a mmetaphor for being gay. Or on the autism spectrum.