You aren't funny. You are one of the biggest reasons this site has gone to shit. Calling yourself a writer is an insult to writers.
You aren't funny. You are one of the biggest reasons this site has gone to shit. Calling yourself a writer is an insult to writers.
I should inform you, Laserface1242 likes to dismiss people that he doesn’t agree with. as a result I dismiss him anytime he replies to me, and I never reply to any of his posts.
This is a non-apology. They’re keeping restrictions in place, the share button doesn’t work, and they’re honestly trying to pretend they weren’t threatening copyright strikes with wording like this?
Yes the fact that rimworlds sexuality system isn’t amazingly realistic is clearly the worst implication in a game about harvesting tribesmen’s livers to sell to space pirates.
Ok, this is like GamerGate tier witch hunting at this point. His girlfriend has been harassed off twitter, why is this ok? I expect better of you.