The film is sadly badly written: the story usually advances via illogical or unexplained twists and reveals, the film tries to balance humour and drama but the jokes are uncomfortable lame and the drama has no real edge.
The film is sadly badly written: the story usually advances via illogical or unexplained twists and reveals, the film tries to balance humour and drama but the jokes are uncomfortable lame and the drama has no real edge.
Get an Eastern European actor to play Doom. You know, representation and all shit.
I’m only glad the game now has a free trial option which allowed me to give it a try. Now I know for sure that I don’t want to play it.
goals/personalities: CW is full of 2d, floating characters who only exist to serve the main protagonist. They don’t do anything that’s would change or build their character. If they do anything by themselves, it’s for moving the main story forward. In the Inhumans, Cormac had his own, story (it was okay, but not…
How was Inhumans any worse than the CW soaps? It has better cinematography, way better actors - Black Bolt and Medusa especially - simple but visible character arcs, no fillers episodes. The story did have hugle plotholes, but so do CW soaps.
I agree with the runtime, but I think the film is intimidating in other ways too. People I talked about this also felt compelled to rewatch the original before going to the movie. Most of them didn’t do it and consequently missed the sequel.
The first scene made no sense, neither the second and the two had nothing to do with each other. And that’s just the first 10 minutes. Sure, it was filled with sweet action sequences, the characters were almost there, but that’s all the film has to offer.
I know for a fact that women in Hollywood age from young to too old overnight, so this shouldn’t be a problem!
Bolt becomes Boruto
If I would try to build a director driven movieverse, I would try to work with directors who are more... independent and stylish. For me, a director driven superhero film would be something like these:
Alexandra’s character supposed to be an intriguing character like Kilgrave but the trailers didn’t even hint at her being more than a copypaste baddy. I really hope the series will live up to what Weaver said about Alexandra.
Is this an accidental scam?
Isn’t that like 80 in Glaswegian years?
Man, I have something even better for you - socialist “westerns”
SHIELD-related flashbacks could involve Agent Carter.
I think his acting was the best in the show before his character fade into the guy who likes Caitlyn. I hope he stays at least for one season. Tbh, he should be turn into a villain or frenemy so the writers are forced to give him something to work with.
While I was watching Dany’s war council, I realised that all rules present were women. They are up against Cercei.
Before playing the video, i was convinced it’s going to be lame - and I was so wrong. It hit all the right spots.
I think so. It’s very far from DBZ or any shounen manga in every aspect. Heck, I don’t even think that fighting is an important part of the story telling in Berserk. The art work is very unique and I think the black and white manga fits Berserk 1000x more than animation. For me, the manga is by far the superior medium…
Occam’s razor: Valve is a developer-led IT company that doesn’t care much for marketing and PR. They build stuff that works and that’s it.