Don’t forget about Evo Japan this weekend!
Don’t forget about Evo Japan this weekend!
Yeah either expanding on that thread or cutting it entirely in favor of something else would have been the way to go. Now it strikes this awkward middle ground.
My favorite wrinkle that they added to the Blade Runner world was actually the relationship between K and Joi. So far there were two classes, replicants and humans, with the replicants supposed to be subservient to humans. Now we add these intelligent Holograms to the mix, it places replicants in a middle position…
My favorite wrinkle that they added to the Blade Runner world was actually the relationship between K and Joi. So far there were two classes, replicants and humans, with the replicants supposed to be subservient to humans. Now we add these intelligent Holograms to the mix, it places replicants in a middle position…
Yay an article about stealth games! Thank you thank you thank you! There is something about stealth that I just love! Even games which aren't traditionally stealth games (most recently played, Resistance 3 and Uncharted 3) I find my self stealthing through the game trying to pick them off one by one. It's a great…