
Don’t feel like garbage. She is very pretty and has a really sexy look. Most men would love to be with a girl that cute once they get past teenage years and realize what a real woman looks and feels like.

Unfortunately the first guy had the jokes stolen from urban dictionary. The crass sex moves are old and well trodden. Neither of them get credit for original jokes. The only thing you can complain about is she organized them in the same line as the other guy. Look up a Cosby Sweater. If I was a comedian and I would be

Players have to be stupid to think their union investing in stadiums gives the a return. Seriously how is it these stadium deals scam everyone?

and one map. They have to have a good formula with a 7 year old game with one map. Testament to good game design for a game like that to keep attention.

Yeah, competition usually ruins most things that are just for fun. College sports, games, sex.

My only counter to that statement is this, how is it deserving of losing his job? Yes it is creepy. Yes it is inappropriate to some degree. It wasn’t illegal, and she didn’t work for him. He wasn’t married. How is this case a fire-able offense?

I have enjoyed the show but as it has drug on it seemed like GRRM didn’t really have a goal in mind for this story and therefore it just meandered along. He became bored with a character and just said “crap, Ill just kill the weasel and introduce a new person that interests me again.” Like watching a very elaborate

seriously enough with the “our electronic rigged game didn’t work as we planned so you can’t have the rewards for your gamble” bullshit.

I love them. They are one of the more unique things in FO4

I just get that he is playing the kid trying to be more than he is role. His descent into the darkside had a barrier and he overcame that and shed his light once and for all. His teacher didn’t want to train him all the way until he had fully embraced his dark path. Especially since he was once on the other path. I

I am amazed none of the Fallout 3 or new vegas expansions ended up on this list. Old World Blues and Lonesome Road were amazing additions to new vegas. Point Lookout for Fallout 3 had so much of a tonal shift and great creepy story to play through. So far in my mind the King of DLC packs has been the teams behind

You won’t go to jail for what you say unless it is a threat against another human being or open statement about intent to commit a crime. Oh and inciting criminal activity can be considered a jail-able offense. Otherwise you are free to say what ever you want. You are not free to avoid public scrutiny or disdain. If

They are putting all their money from taken king into destiny 2. If there isn’t any new raids/missions that will be even 25% as large as Taken King I doubt the game will keep me playing very long. I am already worn out on content. :|

Im sorry, the idea that you have say 10 modules of development and can only “afford” to produce 8 modules under the ship date and price scheme you have planned. Telling me that you later speculated the other 2 modules of development on the potential of releasing them as prepaid add on’s is disingenuous. Either you

outside systems have alleviated much of that problem offering tools to get raids. I found them and made a lot of friends and had some annoying times at the same time.

I am not sure what you mean by the core game play being the same as new vegas. In new vegas the core game play included a vast array of dialogue options and choices that impacted the game one way or the other. You could choose to ally yourself with a variety of factions and or take over the game area yourself. You

Why not testicular cancer. Especially since gnomes are close enough to them to check them for you :)

“I see a lot of disparaging of Day 1 DLC especially, but I wish the gaming public understood that in many cases this is in no way taking away from the core title,”

Honestly, there is no such thing as a hard core gamer. The pomp and grandeur that some gamers front is stupid. There is no consequence if you fail at a game or true victory if you are great. Games are fun and if they aren’t fun I won’t play them. Being punished by games isn’t my bag. Just stop thinking you are some