
The reason this was a problem was that you wanted people to be able to sell their content while you took a cut but weren’t responsible for the product in any way. If the game designers would support the effort with reviewing the mod, approving it, and selling it in their own product store as an approved add on they

Your complaints aren’t unrealistic. Consoles are becoming computers. They are acting more and more like computers without the added benefit of being usable for other things. They just suck the same way computers can. Still waiting for the xboxone/ps4 super virus to come and shut us all down.

I just realized there were too many stability issues to trust the game to play a hardcore so I just played vanilla. I have no desire to be angry at a game for killing me or me making a mistake. I play games to have fun and no leader board lasts forever.

I feel like this is class action lawsuit territory. Product A is being sold to one person as one set of products and not sold to the other with the same content. They are being marketed as the same game yet one gets exclusive content. Since one side eventually gains that content they are being sold a broken and not

Dupe armor isn’t a problem since the non defining perks can be different. You can have an obsidian mind with melee or grenade super energy gain and one with pve stats that gives you non guardian kill super energy.

Yes I do, which is why I rarely play multiplayer games on line and definitely avoid situations where I will play with teenagers. Its draining to play with these kids who think its funny to say outlandish stuff just to say it.

Interesting replica but as an actual forged blade that seems so poorly built that it would bend or even break badly if used for real.

Came to this expecting to see a guy play with a broken stick not watching a 10 minute video of a guy waiting for a replacement stick. :(

Not to argue a point, it sucks they outed a guy, but two important things to note. 1: He is married and cheating on his spouse so if you wouldn’t keep it quiet if he was a cheating CEO and straight, then you shouldn’t afford him special treatment because he happens to be gay as well. 2: He was committing a crime as a