
I tried to get into the DS dragon quests, but then I realized that instead of rewarding strategy during battles, the DQ games reward grinding.

I agree. The only purpose of this “championship” is for people to buy the upcoming 2DS XL system lineup, or clear 3DS inventory.


Mmmmm, ok. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it, even though some (me included) may still like it.

Before I thought that any money given through kickstarter was safe in the way that either you get a product that resembles what was advertised or you got your money back. I thought that the people behind kickstarter knew how to handle these situations and take care of the backers in case shit hit the fan.

“Especially if you are not in my team.”

The editor keeps getting destroyed by competitive people so he makes an article ranting about it.

Why would you want to impress a prostitute? They are already paid to act like you are their most attractive stud, even if you look like Donald Trump.

It would be nice if kotaku had a system where one can up or downvote an editor for the articles he/she makes. If we could give the thumbs down for stupid articles like this one, I hope that in the future they refrain from making trashy posts.

Another “filler day” at kotaku.

I know. Even being wired with a good connection doesnt automatically gives you lag free matches on a fighting game online. If this was a problem OFFLINE then for sure it should be addressed, but the editor just tries to make a point without knowing anything about latency, input lag, and netcodes.

Its hard to counter on ranked because ........... *DRUMS* ..........

As an inside drifter exclusive player, and having played many hours up to around 7200 points, Im on the verge of switching to a kart. In some tracks the curves are brutal. Even if you soft break when drifting, if you dont make the turn at the best possible point, you wont gain much advantage. This holds true to me

Only 46? ... Damn.

So at the end what everybody was thinking came out to be true. The game had to be finished on a deadline, not because of funds, but of a stupid 2 year rule. Still one of my favorite games of all time.

“Yabuki’s play, however, is on another level. Even in the back-and-forth leading up to the combo, Yabuki show the clear skill gap between the two.”

I just did a quick research on google, and it seems he finally found a place in Azusa which is around 20 minutes far from the original Super Arcade in Walnut. The only viable way for a business like this to stay up, is to sell memberships and charge everyone a monthly fee, or something similar. I’m always up for SFV,

I stopped reading his blogs like a year ago, but I remember he was always struggling with the city council to get a permit to operate one of these venues. They think putting an arcade anywhere decreases the overall value of the area, because supposedly these arcades bring shady people and encourage illegal activities.

I’m still waiting for any kind of sales of indie games on the Switch. Should I pay $10, $20, $30, or more on a game because of the portability the Switch provides, or save tons of money on the pc version sales?

I have always been itchy to go to this place since I lived less than an hour away from it, but the problem is time. They only do this on wednesday nights, and I have to work during that time. When I was single I had all the time in the world to make room for some fighting game sessions, but now with a family is not