
Mother 3 official US version exclusive for the Switch.

Yes! Finally the wait is over! Now I can play the ULTRA RARE super mario bros 3! But that’s not all ... I can also play on the HIDDEN CULT CLASSIC GEMS of baloon fight AND DR FUCKING MARIO!

I didnt know Necalli was part of the sf2 roster.

I loved Chrono Trigger for the great plot, story telling, time travel mechanics, and yeah of course for the battle system. But the only thing it has in common with IAS its the battle system to an extent. I havent played it yet and I do not plan to buy it.

This editor seems like a perfect fit for gamespot ... seriously. Instead of doing an educated review from different points of view, they just say whatever is on their mind without double guessing if they may actually be wrong about it. That is why they do on gamespot, and people defend those reviews stating that they

Thanks for the spoiler.

“Why games still have bad loading times ...”

He just thought Urien hittable frames were AT THE FRONT of the aegis wall hittable frames. But nope, Urien was actually behind it.

Come on man, are you depraved?! Killing 2 year olds is totally acceptable as a normal part of a healthy society, but humans that haven’t reached their first birthday is just DEPLORABLE!

Is this article material?

People are just getting confused with “Arc the Lad”. I do remember that the game was kind of popular in japan, and it never came to the US until years later as part of a collection.

Game looks great but my only issue will be that the online gameplay will probably suck.

Somebody seems to have low self esteem issues when you have to PAY someone to ACT like your friend.

I was going to comment something about this, but didn’t because ... kids are just kids. I mean come on, we are on 2017. Unless you are an amish living secluded from the rest of society, 12 year olds nowadays know way more than what most people did at the age of 18 a few decades ago. I played mortal kombat 2 when I was

“... because of the carelessness i could have lost a child.”

I understand when people use glitches in-game in order to speedrun, but when they do stuff like this isn’t it cheating?

The reason why I bought a Switch was because finally I can play the AAA first party games from Nintendo on the go. The DS line now serves a small player base that NEED to play ALL Nintendo games, therefore they need to buy a 2ds/3ds in order to do that.

Streamers do all this friendly, personal approach in order to make more money from their viewers AND THAT’S IT. If they do not want a “fan” to stalk them, simply do not talk about your personal life, or try to provide emotional support to a viewer they don’t even know. Of course they won’t do that because the odds of

You win! Perfect .. trtrtrtrtrtrtrtrrtrtrtrtrtr