
You bring up an interesting point. My problem is that the whole notion of "settling" suggests that there is some empirical standard that must be lived up to, and anything less is a management failure on your part. My point is that the concept of settling has no meaning as far as I'm concerned. What is settling?

Speaking from a man's standpoint, in NYC, I have no problem if women choose to have kids or not have kids.

8% compounded annually (not semi-annually, although we have no idea what days or compounding convention they're using) for 10 years, and then 8% on a level-pay schedule for 25 year. Backsolved into 7.9846%, which suggests to me that it was probably 8% on the dot, and we're off by some days convention difference or

Actually 7.99% by my calc.

M: 780

What, Chico's Bail Bonds wasn't available?

I envision a Gillette v. Schick sort of face-off, where the next iteration is somebody saying, "fuck it, I'm going to 4 barrels."

I think the thing with DeNiro, and Chris Walken has said the same thing in interviews, is that like a lot of actors, he takes roles from scripts he likes, because he has no idea what the final movie will look like. And for Hollywood productions, I have to imagine this is the case most of the time. You just never

I try not to devote any thought to the inexplicably popular (in some circles) meatball of the governor of my state, but I can only gather that this is about his Presidential ambitions.

I'm going to take a slightly unorthodox position here.

All of these fall under the category of "If I were the next guy in line, I couldn't stop myself from saying, 'what are you, an asshole?'"

I don't think that's correct. It's been about 15 years since I worked in commercial real estate, but I used to read commercial retail leases by the boxload, especially for big box anchor tenants. It's untrue that profit-sharing is negotiated away. And here's why - leases are often long-term affairs, and in order to

I'm not surprised, and I won't be surprised when people get all up in arms about the FDA or whomever they deem the villain here, especially when you're dealing with people who bear a strong chance of death and are looking for any answer.

Two words:

True story.

My question is, what do you do if you have neither a Kindle nor an iPad, but just an iPhone 4 right now? Assuming you have a limited but indeterminate budget, what do you do? Do you buy the Kindle Touch 3G (for you commuters) and an iPad for more complicated tasks/better app store/multi-format reading/own content

If I recall correctly, the NYT ran a fascinating article about what would happen in an earthquake in NYC. It wasn't pretty.

The moral of the story is twofold:

You're right - that said, rereading the article it appears that the problem being fixed is needing lower gears, not higher gears as my system would produce.

why not? Couldn't you have a series of rings of increasingly smaller radii. I know it would look kinda unwieldy, but in CF it would still be light, yes? In other words, imagine almost a cone-like shape of hand grip rings moving out from the wheel.