Goggles Paisano

You can have my roads when you pry them from my cold, dead hands. 

Promissory Estoppel is my next band's name. 

“He’s got AIDS,” Sterling said. “What has he done, big Magic Johnson, what has he done?”

Here’s mine:

What has he done, can you tell me? Big Magic Johnson, what has he done? He’s got AIDS.

Sorry, but Hamilton's not getting a team anytime soon, it'll infringe on Buffalo’s & Toronto's markets too much. 

Really? He always struck me as "more gluten." 

James Dolan: Uniter of Nations 

Wouldn't this be on brand for him to not make a comment? 


I give you an E for effort. 

Schneider had no puck luck. 



It’s like people who think: I’ll pay more for the high-quality product now rather than spend less for the cheap crap and have to spend/buy a lot more in the long haul to replace it. 

No, I have the better chips: the fully loaded kind. 

Campbell’s Big Ball Chunky Time soup.