Goggles Paisano

Chicken and pork by-products.

What, they didn’t try to make it a mascot, like the Cardinals tried to do with that cat?

Well, at least I’ll have one team to root for in the SC finals.

It’s called a cookbook. As my ex-girlfriend once said: if you can read, you can cook.

More worse: if he has a brother named Goose.


This right here.

I guess he forgot to engage the cloaking device.

What a wuss, rub some dirt on it and get back to playing.

This will happen after its been opened:

He didn’t have his fight strap securely fastened.

They made her crack the Whip(key)


Too bad he isn’t Mexican, then it would be a mexican jumping screen.

TLAM. Sounds like a type of missile the military uses.