
Yeah, this ending made the whole video a lot less satisfying. But I guess the only way we can humanize women, to men anyway, is to speak about us in relation to them. I wish it weren’t so effective.

I have a great relationship with the women. Ask anybody OK? I know thousand and thousands of women and believe me, not all of them were bangable.

YES. I’m even irritated when people talk about, say, sexual assault, in terms of “think about how you would feel if this were your sister”. No. Think about ME, HUMAN WOMAN. Empathy shouldn’t be reserved only for women who play specific roles in your life.

Preach. I have said this a million times this election year (feels more like an election decade, amirite?), women are not a special interest group, we are half the population!!!!

Trump, a sentient wig possessed by an ancient evil

This was my first thought too. Even in the add purportedly calling out misogyny, women don’t get to be recognized as actual independent people.

Its like how often the only way to get a creep to leave you alone is to say you’re already dating someone. Women and, their thoughts and feelings, don’t matter in and of themselves, but only as they relate to a man. Once again demonstrating that a disturbingly large number of men just don’t see women as real people.

Your comment is still weird because you commented about slander on a video that does not have slanderous information. That was my point.

Trump runs same exact ad ending with “Americans for Trump”, wins another primary.

I imagine he would tell her what a terrible failure as a woman she is and that her husband is only a philanderer because she’s “not a 10".

Maybe the ad is targeting male Trump supporters, and writing off women who vote for Trump as a lost cause at this point?

Women have daughters and mothers and wives as well.

Same here. I really want Bernie to get the nomination, and even though I think he could easily take Drumpf down, I feel like Hillary would do it in a way that would cause Drumpf to cry and make his bronzer all streaky. Pros and cons for each of them against Drumpf, but I have to admit Hillary would be more

“This is how Trump talks about our mothers, our sisters, our daughters.”

This will only encourage his supporters, as they’ll find it humorous and the women featured undesirable. His lot have no use for women anyways... it’s truly a shameful moment in history that we’ve come to this

...”unlike my daughter, Ivanka, who I’d definitely be in a hotel room with right now if she wasn’t my daughter. I mean, look at her....mmmm.”, Trump added while licking his lips.

You see that ad with all those ugly broads repeating my statements?! Not one of them was as bangable as my daughter Ivanka.

Trump response will probably along the lines of “none of the women in the ad are attractive.”

Donald Trump: his own best anti-Trump ad.