
Matt Bullard and Scottie Brooks. They are white and so is my wife. I guess you could say I have a preference.

Lol. Taxes? Why would anyone pay taxes?

“The black one or the white one?”

Yeah and at least it’s women he is into. Very surprising

Undoubtedly the sloppiest episode of this season so far.

Lol very good, subscribed

Haha I’m not sure if you’re joking or being serious. It’s actually much funnier if you’re being serious.

Being this offended by common worldly things would be a good schtick for a stand-up comedian.

Yeah, I am pretty certain Billy is a homosexual and has recently and repeatedly watched that Brazilian futbol player that jacked off two “expensive manicured cocks” on this site. Not saying theres anything wrong with being gay, but yeah there’s something morally wrong with the needless imagery of the last paragraph.

Reading Odom’s article really makes me feel bad about doing cocaine while reading the article.

Calling him “the baddest motherfucker” seems dated. He’s more like the baddest driver who crashes into a pregnant woman’s car and then runs away cowardly.

This title is misleading, really not that bad.

Eh, still doesnt top when Mike and Mike let out “Martin Luther Coon”

Whats the big deal? Wheres the outrage when Roger Goodell does this with NFL owners?

Injury or not, this guy stinks. He will always be a less talented, less likeable Gael Monfils.

I know there is. Where do you think I learned about It? This site.

Coaching for gamers? Next thing you know, there will be physical therapy for gamers.

Okay then, I’ll fix it for him. “Very interesting that a Redskin got swindled by an actual Indian.”

Why? Not saying you are wrong, you just made no argument. And a lot of douchey spacing. Are you writing a poem, poet?

Ooh I love this commeny. Fuck you, Redford. Did you go to journalism school for this? You are 0ne of the better writers at Telemundo studios, I give you that. But this is an embarrassing mark on your archive.

Okay I wasn’t gonna comment because this is a boobie trap. BUT reality is that physiology sides with men being stronger and faster than women.