
“I sold my friend the drugs she used to overdose, and I went to prison, but I learned *sooo* much about myself in the process ❤️”


I especially liked the part where first she wasn’t implying I was racist, but then because I said it seemed like she was implying I was racist, THAT made me racist, and then because I said it once I was “constantly bringing it up” which made me then double racist, and then I was TRIPLE WHAMMY RACIST because I said

Hahahaha ok so you weren’t implying I was racist before (as in, 3 minutes ago) but “if it walks like a duck” is the stance you’re taking now?? ‘Kay!

Please show me where I said she wasn’t entitled to her opinion? Have I said “You shouldn’t be upset about this”? I said I thought the article was dumb and an overreaction. People are free to think otherwise.

Oh god now we’ve gotten to “check your privilege” over a baby got back lyric. This conversation has reached the point of no return.

Ok bb.

Pretty much everything we say on Internet blogs is our opinion. I never said it wasn’t. Be offended all you want! I literally can’t stop you. You can think it’s racist, I can think differently, and it’s all fine.

Sorry but it’s stupid. Her Instagram post is a bit tone deaf, but tone deaf does not equal racist, and an entire post calling her racist for quoting a song from the 90's is such a huge overreaction I hardly know where to start.

My rage-o-meter is in the negatives on this one guys. This is a dumb take.

I understand the fundamental concept too, but it has a lot of holes. Like, who do we decide has the upper hand? White people can be racist towards Asians, but black people cannot be? What about mixed race black Asians? What about Asians in the third world for whom all Americans have the systemic advantage over? Can’t

I’m on #teamnoone.

I find that entire exercise misguided. The corollary to it is that people cannot be racist, only systems, structures and paradigms etc can.

The No-Mi Skye Approval?

She is. Gotta love how they were kissing her ass when she was feuding with Iggy Azalea but now that she’s a loud and proud bigot and Trump supporter they’re acting like they suddenly realised she’s “exhausting”?

Here she is, racist as fuck again (and no, I’m not talking about the Iggy Azalea shit, but her anti-semitism, and then there’s her homophobia too). Wonder how many of her defenders are going to show up this time. She’s the worst.