
The first episode of Red Oaks is a warmed-over take on 80s teen sex comedies but the rest of the series has a bit more depth than that. It's uneven, and honestly Jennifer Grey is under-utilized, but when it works, it works really well. I know the AV Club reviewer and most commenters weren't charmed by the body-swap

When filesharing became a thing and I finally scored an mp3 copy of PG's version of "Strawberry Fields Forever" after years of hunting for it at record shows and whatnot, that was a frabjous day.

Holy crap, Carter Country, forgot all about that show, it was a favorite in our household. Thanks for the memory!

The Jerry Falwell analog was played by Richard Paul, who portrayed Falwell outright in The People vs. Larry Flynt. I didn't catch that until I caught a WKRP rerun last year. He had that Falwell look.

I agree, and wouldn't mind seeing more.

Italian beef is the finest beef in the land.

"10" gets better with the viewer's age, I live my mid-life crisis vicariously through George Webber about once a year. I prefer the pre-Mexico stuff, particularly the scene after the dentist where he's talking jibberish to the cops, but it's all good. Kind of a spiritual predecessor to Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

McCabe & Mrs. Miller is not only my favorite Altman film, it's my favorite film. I think Altman is best working with beautiful losers, so California Split is next in line for me. I'd try to work in Nashville, The Player, The Long Goodbye, Short Cuts, Popeye, and 3 Women, and there's something about Newman's

Before my most recent move, I went thru some old, old papers and found the program to the first ever comic convention I went to in Rosemont, IL, I think it was 1983. I had a lot of artists and convention roustabouts sign that program—some pretty cool, most not. Then I saw the iconic signature of Stan Lee. I have

Damn you, Sava, now this series will never achieve true greatness unless they show Phil and Lem working for Hydra.