Are you ready for BOCEPHUS? Have you accepted our lord JESUS?
Are you ready for some FOOTBALL? Are you ready for a PARTY?
Not to mention being weighed down by dozens of tiny pouches.
baseball—fans, the press, central baseball, owners—saw fit to ignore their Rob Liefeld physiques
I am hoping everyone is tweeting those pathetic crowd shots at trump with the comment “still more people than Trump’s inauguration”.
Pretty much every single article I’ve ever read that whines about how “no one votes these days” completely fails to mention that this is the desired outcome of decades of legislation specifically designed to make voting inconvenient and expensive. Nope, it’s just those damn lazy Millennials!!!!
Jacksonville doesn’t have the infrastructure to handle an NFL game
If my options are brave a Category 5 hurricane or go to Jacksonville, then I’m sticking around to see what Irma is made of.