Penabler's Ghost

It’s actually a fairly sensible survival strategy when guys in masks barge in and start waving guns around. Just keep necking as if the world was ending tonight. Even robbers will respect the romantic impulse and leave you alone.

Everyone in that bar seems alarmingly chill with what is going on.

There’s nothing epic about it. I understand hate but this is just trying way too hard.

Seriously, you guys need to stop this. Like this is epic level trolling.

It’s so beautiful...

I have a real problem with this wording.

Yeah, I see what they were going for, but in their defense, it would have taken at LEAST another half an hour to find a person of color in Portland to run that name by.

Burt Wart.

Please tell me you named it.

I love JGLev, v but I never saw him as Morpheus. Maybe Tom Hiddleston? It's such a really special property that I would pray they do right. I don't think a movie is the right format for the story because it's sooooo sprawling. Maybe if Preacher does well on AMC, then HBO could pick up the option?

Fables is really excellent. I stopped reading after the 13th book or so and never got into the spin offs but it’s good stuff. My favorite is actually the one off 1001 Nights of Snowfall.

I’m not a big gamer, but I'll check it out. Is it desktop or system based?

Where's my authentic little mermaid where the mermaid turns into sea foam at the end and dies?

If you like video games/Telltale, the Wolf Among Us is a great adaptation. And it has a cool film noir vibe. :D

There should be a live-action movie of the comic series “Fables” where the storybook characters were chased out of their homelands and are living today among us ‘Mundies’. Really good stuff.



no one will ever love you, and you know that. that’s why you’re here, doing what you do. you hate yourself and you feel powerless and afraid. you advertise this with your behaviour here. you aren’t hurting or scaring anyone, just collecting contempt from some and pity from others (and both, from people like me).

wow and yes.