Penabler's Ghost

I don’t really think ‘tit pic’ is a phenomenon in the way dick pics are, but we do write about video game breasts pretty often. You’d know this if you actually read Kotaku.com!

...imagine you actually liked the things coming out of his idiot mouth.

Paraphrasing a comment from another poster:

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

This sounds really interesting. Sounds pretty similar to a lot of my friends’ experiences with deciding to get abortions (I’ve never had one)

great instincts.

I’m pretty sure that’s Mama June’s dignity that’s buried in there.

Gawker is not the PR wing of the Democratic Party; it’s not Gawker’s job to worry about the electoral prospects of that party’s leading presidential candidate.

I highly doubt anyone in the Gawker crowd will vote conservative.

Any criticism of Hillary is sexist! Don’t talk about her record or anything she says. Fall in line you stupid sexist Burnie Bros!

Gawker is literally the only outlet who doesn’t treat Bernie like a joke. If that’s bias, then Breitbart is objective.

Now Clinton supporters are worried about the liberal media bias? Oy vey, how right can we go?

Because, as you know, “the Bros” are the primary demographic of the site you’re on.

Hillary fed the ‘bros’ (whatever that means).
Stop trying to pass the buck. She didn’t. She accepted responsibility.

To accuse Jezebel of demonizing Hillary Clinton is laughable, but let’s pretend it’s true.

Gawker is “demonizing Hillary Clinton” by reporting on things she actually said? Oh, okay. Thanks for explaining that.


He did it.