Penabler's Ghost

I think it’s your fault for not stanning hard enough.

If Clinton would have gone left instead of right there wouldn’t need to be Stein. Plus numerically Stein didn’t do shit to Clinton. This failure falls squarely on Clinton. I don’t know why blaming the Green Party seems to make people feel better but the result is not learning why we failed and guaranteeing we do it

I think casting the originally Tabetan Ancient One as Chinese like its nbd is exactly how the Chinese government would like it and the absolute most awful option one could do.

At first I was scared and embarrassed when the xenomorph jumped from its egg and latched on to my face, but a few days later when it dropped off the doctor showed me the silver lining- I would be bringing a new precious life into this world.

Well if that robotic black widow in the picture can make a hamburger surely it’s ready to practice medicine.

Benghazied to death by Clinton no doubt.

I heard the doctor sucks out the baby’s eyes with their mouth and then turns the baby’s head into a jack-o-lantern. Can you believe this?!

If Wonder Woman was real and we all lived in a comic book universe where she was appointed a goodwill ambassador, how would this storyline end?

Time to play Dance Dance Revolution.

The Venn diagram is now two circles that don’t touch, which I applaud her for.

Azaelia has a very different version of the night.

Liberals are worse than conservatives. Nazis were socialists, it’s right in the name: National Association of Zocialism Institute. It makes sense if you don’t think about anything.

That’s nice.

It’s literally got to be because it’s the most complimentary to the video game athlete body type. Personally I think they’d be less likely to talk like little shits if you dressed them like bobsledders.

When Trump wins the media will blame it on all the people that could have voted for Clinton writing in their mother’s name, just like Nadir and the 2000 election.

His only crime was running a cemetery without a license.

That doesn’t jive with him saying he has the most respect for women. Two sides to every story I suppose.

Jezebel should give us more from this Bonerhitler fellow.


I mean, breaking it into two twelve hour halfs seems pretty arbitrary and I’m sure there is a story there. Why not record the passage of time with the decimal system and have ten hours a day?