Ok, I’ve got to try this. I’m loving the color.
Ok, I’ve got to try this. I’m loving the color.
I have a quick question for the fellow Jezzies who are cat lovers. My family recently adopted a kitten that we found while walking the dog. He is an adorable ball of pure energy, but he is also quite the climber. I’ve owned cats all of my adult life-but never had one who was so insistent on scaling everything in the…
Wishing you a speedy recovery hon.
My new favorite is NYX Wicked Lippie in Envy. I saw someone wearing blue lipstick (MAC Matte Royal) in the mall last month and was obsessed. I finally broke down and bought the cheaper NYX dupe and loved it. I didn’t think my old ass could pull it off but it works.
Omg, I was just writing about this. Definitely Labyrinth. I was 13 when that movie came out and I was crushing hard for the Goblin King. It really introduced me all over again to him and I sought out his other albums afterwards
Dang. I’ve never seen one episode of American Idol (I know, I’m an alien) but now I got to watch to follow this kid. He gave me all the feels this morning. So happy that he made it.
It definitely seems like she got the better deal being let go-since we both know that Lee Daniel’s joint would be infinitely better than fighting on camera to be the next Nene Leakes.
I think you will like them. I got the original recipe from the Barefoot Contessa years ago. I usually dice up some bacon and toss it in before I roast them.
You know, when I was a kid I hated Brussels sprouts. My mom only boiled them so I always thought they were just mushy and tasteless. However, if you roast them until they caramelizes they take on a sweet and slightly nutty flavor. I definitely recommend cooking them that way.
We’re smoking a beef brisket, along with roasted Brussels sprouts with garlic and bacon and black eye peas. Growing up, my family always had corned beef and cabbage for New Years for some reason-so this is our take on that.
Sorry to hear that your sick. Get better soon, because that sucks to be sick on New years day. Especially since you’ve been fighting it since earlier this week.
I cried when my husband told me this morning. I was just listening to her Unforgettable album the other day. And my Dad and I used to dance around singing from her Inseparable while we tidied up the house.
All of this is residual karma. To quote the Wu: “Wu-Tang Clan ain’t nuthing ta fuck wit.”
I’ve tried to watch one of his rally speeches in the past (not willingly, but it seems to be the only damn thing that is aired on the cable news channels now) and all he seems to talk about is his poll numbers and hating other people. Does his voters even know what he stands for? Or is it that he gives them permission…
Man that is a bummer. I’ll always remember him as the Narrator for Tromeo and Juliet. I must have seen that movie a million times in grad school.
Between this story and the Tamir Rice travesty-I’m officially calling it a day. Seriously, how fucking clueless and privileged can one person be. If you need me, I’m going to be feasting on Nutella quesadillas.
That sketch gave me life. I swear I must have worn out the DVR rewinding the ending. Big Les can do no wrong and I’m so happy for her success right now!
My heart is breaking for Tamir’s family. I don’t know what was worse-the fact that the cops were not indicted or that the prosecutor had the gall to blame a freaking 12-year old for his own murder.
OMG, I was obsessed with Electric Youth and Navy as a teenager. I can’t even tell you how many times I begged my mom and dad for it. Instead, all I got was Jean Nate. Ugh.