
Cagayan is clearly one of the best 5 seasons the show has ever done. What else could you want from Survivor?

Survivor Stock Watch


I was a lock for top 4 until stupid Carolyn started racking up the points like crazy. Stop that!

I dunno, she still looks like the Grand Nagus.

Max or Shirin solves that in less than 5 minutes.

Maybe he realized this cast suuuuuucked so he had to dial up the charisma.

I have a friend who's so lazy that she tattooed eyeliner on her face. And it looks fine!

Oh I forgot to include him! Thanks for reminding me.

She does have enthusiasm and effort, but I also remain unconvinced. Lucky for her the collection of women is not the best, so she does really deserve a spot.

And people try to act like he's some alternative version of Tom Westman if Tom hadn't had a dominant alliance. GTFOHWTB

But this week was his BIRTHDAY

He really does.

I think if the other people weren't so terrible, and if the edit wasn't so obvious, Mike winning would have made this season in the top third. But the way it's gone down, it won't be at the top of many lists.

Usually that's brought up as the people who sleep next to each other at night are in alliances, but I liked Mike's observation taking it a step further of whoever is resting together day of tribal.

Not if they're down in the numbers. Malcolm is the most recent example of a strong, white, male, challenge beast with underdog edit. Spencer is like the shitty version of that. And there are more if you go back in history.

Survivor Stock Watch

I really like them, but man is that picture ridiculous.

Ciera - good chance to be first boot

Skupin was a disaster in the Philippines, and Gervase didn't have the killer instinct to really do anything beyond get taken to the end.