
I've got nothing.


No. FF is too good for that.

They killed the sarcastic Asian :-(

That would make Shamar the easiest vote out ever.

Probably don't have a sponsor for it this season.

I hate that they call it 'agar agar'. In science we just call it 'agar'. Stop fronting, chefs.

I've been calling him 'Chef Vanilla Ice' because he looks like Vanilla Ice.

I always wonder if it was kind of a special case, seeing that it was the first returnees season. Was he really that abrasive, or maybe everyone was just extra sensitive because they all thought they were big shots.

Is it underrated though? Everyone agrees that he probably deserved to win (I know, I know, 'deserved') and it's why people were terrified of him in HvV. I always just claim that it's an unpleasant season, but he played a great game.

Yeah basically BRob has one look at Rob C and says "nope, you're not going anywhere". Which kind of sinks you in a 6 person tribe. It's kind of the beginning of what we come to think of as "Boston Rob"

bah humbug

Yup. Likely some kind of absent father figure who is also hard to get along with. And then he ruins your Survivor dreams. I wouldn't talk to him for another 3 years.

I'm kind of equally against kissy face PDA and abstinence.

Stephen accidentally called her name Muffin and couldn't remember what it actually was. I'm guessing alcohol was involved.

She should get together with Aaron from China.

She has an OK shot for a pre-merge boot. Seeing that she's a young attractive female, which normally they have problems getting to come back.

No, previously the flint would just magically be back at camp when they got there. No idea what they're doing this season with these shenanigans.

Yes, there it was a major thing. Not just the survivors being like 'yo bro, we ate all our food. Can we trade some more'?

Really worked out for Jon. Goes from being the odd one out to a power player working with a bunch of people who might be even dumber than him