
How do you think she got the infection?

Here in Canada my mom lost a leg and almost died of an infection. She got immediate care when we brought her in, got the infection under control, and she stayed recovering for over a month.

Hey Hulu, there are markets outside the US!

Not existing outside the US, screw you.

One side is wrong. If the plate had no context, yes, it could be construed as offensive. But that’s not the case. There was a context.

"It's not theft since they still have the original version".

Hacking and releasing Netflix shows seems like a bit of a waste of hackers' time. I suspect most viewers will be happy to wait since it's so cheap and easy to watch Netflix to begin with, whereas downloading them elsewhere requires, well, effort.

Have you been following the production? It’s been troubled to say the least. When can hope for the best, but all available evidence suggest that this will be dead in the water.

But what did they make that you love?

China Mieville is just so pretentious and deliberate obtuse that he might be one of my most disliked authors. I just can't stand anything he does. Except The City and the City. That's one of my favourite books, period.

They do, but in the context of P5 it doesn't really make sense Is all.

Racial diversity in a game set in Japan designed primarily for Japanese audiences? Not necessary.

I’m Canadian. I guarantee you I’m not spending my tourist dollars in the US for the next 4 years.

Hmm. I got in free for Supernova so I don't count that. The LEGO Movie was boring and I disagreed with the overall message but it wasn't outright terrible. Maybe Watchemen?

Right, but the guys are extra shallow and formulaic. There's nothing inherently wrong with shallow and formulaic. The crime is being that and boring.

Closer has to be the worst pop song I've heard in a decade or more. It's just so utterly bland. It's technically dull, nothing challenging about it. It's such a lazy, boring hook in the chorus, the lyrics are lame.

Nobody but nominators submit. I put Stranger Things as a series for one of my long form nominations.

Series vs. episode. That’s the only difference.

I’m not super impressed with the whole lot this year. I’m not really sure how I’ll be voting.

Non-US books can be eligible in the first year of original publication and in the first year of US publication.