
I think people would be fine with that premise if Republicans weren’t intent on moving the goalposts every time our immigration policies might let in a brown person. First it was attacks on “chain migration” which is legal under our immigration policies. Next it was attacks on those seeking asylum, an entirely legal

Plenty of people out there understand the tech but are more than willing to propagate it/exploit it for there own uses.

Link to the complete open letter from 1904...

...You can make $2000-$3000 a week working from home. In your spare time. No need to contact Mr Soros. We will find you.

I believe “his lips are moving” is how the joke is supposed to go.

I mean, correct me if I’m wrong... but with the average lifespan of a black trans woman being 35, it seems like they’re the ones we should be working to protect...?

As an aside, Turkish safe house is my new favourite oxymoron.

Believe me, I know coverups! I do the best coverups, look at my hair, it’s amazing.”

So, intersex (not completely male or female) and chromosomal gender differences happen in about 1/2000 births. So about as common as red hair. Fuck these assholes. 

When my grandma passed earlier this year at 93, she was still only just “a bit forgetful.” It was a blessing, and she went peacefully. My grandpa (on the other side) is clearly losing ground more and more every day, and I find myself secretly hoping that one of this other health conditions brings the end before things

It truly is absolutely horrible.  My brother and I are my mother’s sole caretakers because we cannot afford assisted living/ home healthcare.  I have a front row seat to it every single day and I can assure you, it is the worst.  I second your love and support to the O’Connors.

Dementia is monstrous, and everything is terrible. Much love and support to O’Connor and her family. 

Alternatively you can make a scene over it without showing people. Just fake a phone call and loudly go “Hey dude! Weird thing happened just now. Someone AirDropped a picture of their tiny little dick onto my phone. No it isn’t a big deal, I had to zoom in to even figure out what it was.”



“If I drove around in a Ferrari, then people would comment on the Ferrari. That’s just the way people are.

You regularly make such great comments, that I’ve decided to follow you.

Say it with me now:

I never know what percentage to tip.