
Because it’s smarmy? People who say “WHO?” come off like they’re too good or have more important things to do than know who this person is. It comes off like you don’t think she’s deserving of an entire post about her. Just skip over the post if you don’t know who it is and let people who do know her and like her have

So that’s your reaction? A 22-year-old singer who attempted suicide last year, now suffering some kind of trouble again which may or may not be related, and you really can’t see what’s wrong with responding with “who?” in a mocking way?

Every time I read about carrying hot sauces in purses, I think I must have a really crumby, dirty purse. Because IDK if I’d want to use a bottle of Tapatio I found kicking around the bottom of my purse with all the loose hairs and tobacco bits.

Because child abuse is funny to you? Because it was so bad she got to adopt her brother?

You know, I thought this woman was crazy and wrong from the beginning. Then I heard the backstory, which the Stranger doesn’t even really dip into because it doesn’t fit the narrative that they want to drive with 15 sentences beginning with White Supremacy. Frankly, the Stranger staff is being a giant dick.

It’s not just you, trust me. When I first saw a picture of her in the news when she was claiming to be getting threats as a Black woman, I thought they used the wrong picture because it was of a very tanned white woman. But the news said she was Black, so I was like...oh, wow, my built-in Black detector, which usually

Why should you be surprised that he doesn’t use protection? The guy has never played defense once in his life. /deadspin’ed

‘She’s married, I’m not’

Watched the Revenant last weekend, over 2 nights cause I kept falling asleep. Two takeaways 1) ew 2) the person who made my imaginary bf Tom Hardy so utterly unfuckable deserves an Oscar more than Leo.