
Too many buttons on your taskbar, Jose Aries!

You’re part of the problem

*watches video again* *confirms Messi is wearing a normal, short sleeve uniform* *gets confused* *realizes you’re talking about some stupid tattoo shit that makes anyone who has it, including Messi, look like a fucking piece of human garbage*

Thank you for repeating my comment with examples

Testing these kits is purely a matter of having the money to fund the resources to do so. That money comes through government funding via local/regional politicians’ whims. Politicians whims are based on what they think will keep them in power. Testing rape kits doesn’t keep them in power. Even female politicians.

Gawker Media writers don’t have access to LexisNexis? You don’t have time to write that story? Why is this a hypothetical? Isn’t this what you do for a living?

Jesus fuck if you people unionize will you be able to afford grammar check on your computer so your fucking headlines aren’t missing a fucking verb you stupid fucking idiot? This is your one god damn job in the world if I did my job the way you do your job we’d all be dead right now fucking Christ

Harden really does look like a god damn idiot.

And they end October 29th

Williams demonstrates herself to be a king kong mega cunt by not doing customary interview. Given that she can’t do an interview for one loss in one tournament out of ego I assume she’ll kill herself as her age prevents her from winning anything consistently in the very near future

Do you go through the obituary section every day and send condolence notes to the family of every random person that died you don’t know?

That’s true if it’s your mom. This is a comedic actress who barely worked in the past two decades.

Yes that is my contention. It is not sad when someone dies at 85 after a long and full life. People have to die sometime. If you believe it’s sad for someone to die at 85 the implication is you believe no one should ever die and if you believe that you have no sense of the world you live in.

Whenever I see a death notice like this I question your people’s understanding of the word “sad” She was 85 and lived a full life and did not die of some tragedy. Should no one ever die? What is your hope for your own life? You expect to live to 150? And then especially when it’s someone in comedy that dies. I can’t

So basically a team of fucking twats won? That’s cool

Ah. My favorite sport. Eurovision.

What does this have to do with Clearly Canadian?

Did they also air that TSwift music video with other noted sister molester Lena Dunham?

Mmm....not sure I really want them off the TV because the children are innocent and I can’t imagine their lives getting better if the family has less money. I think it’s a necessary evil to at least make sure the numerous kids (which translates to massive expense to provide necessities) have their needs met

It’s hilarious to me that one NYTimes article has brought swift and immediate change and hope to an entire massive industry. Meanwhile despite the fact Jezebel has the loyal readership of a metric fuck ton of young, active, liberal women the platform has never once inspired anyone to do anything but complain on