Keep up with the nebulizer and cold outside air my kid grew out of it.
But should the remaining children lose both parents as a result?
On a personal level I’d like to see the children taken away, but that isn’t just. It’s not going to happen either. The parents are going to have be a much more immediate threat to a child’s safety before that happens.
Theory: Tswift spilled red wine all over her mom’s suede outfit and THiddles offered to give her the money to buy a replacement if she pretended to be his gf, so he can be popular and get the James Bond role.
Much to the dismay of Kellogg Company’s headquarters, a video has just surfaced exhibiting an aggrieved employee taki…
Hello, Black Americans. We understand your issue with race and all, and I’mma let you finish, but we’ve really been screwed over for a couple hundred years longer than you and nobody seems to give a shit any more.
I’m honestly not sure. I know them from a writing group and they are a very open minded group. One of my work mates is dating a very sweet Muslim girl who he met because she sold The Big Issue outside where we work. I am absolutely not blind to racism - you should hear some of the crap the aforesaid girl got from some…
And flippantly incapable of carrying on a conversation when your racism is pointed out to you!
How much do you want to bet that PoC in your multicultural community have been routinely subjected to racism within that community and thus don’t have the luxury of being shocked when it happens?
That's my concern! They might be out looking for replacements!