Flug Dutie

That’s along the same lines I was thinking. You have direct deposit set up between your school and your personal checking account. So, the scammer would need to have something similar.

Okay. But, the question was how does the scammer get money?

Is this a common thing? What is the payoff for the scammer? I would think the loan would be easily traced to the person who is fraudulently using someone’s ID. Unless the school is somehow refunding the scammer for unfinished classes before the fraud is detected, I don’t see how this works as a scam.

Okay. So the uncle is in on it. The plot thickens.

After reading this Bloomberg article about someone’s experience with collectors, I will believe nearly anything I read or hear about collection agencies. Well, I believe that was the story she told you and her uncle, so we can agree on that much.

Ehh - if the cop tased the groundhog the tone of this article and comments would be the exact same.

People are weird like that. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen drivers swerve into an oncoming lane in order to avoid squashing a squirrel.

After Major Payne’s behavior at Madison Prep, the Panthers really shouldn’t have been surprised.

Finances all come down to behavior. It’s important to understand the technical bits that enable us to reach our goals, but those are meaningless next to understanding what we want and why.

That is not how 401K matches work.  If you ask your boss what the match is and she comes back with 3%, you are safe to assume she means 3% of your salary, not your contribution.

It helps me to look at historical inflation, with the assumption that future inflation will be generally similar. I like this calculator the federal Dept. of Labor has:

How is Gimme Shelter not in your Stones top five?

He clearly said Le Barm James.

I googled the Billy Bob actor while doing a quick mental calc for the odds on dead or alive. He died in 2016.

You have to dig out the root ball. It’s really hard work.

You missed the worst rodent - the groundhog. Or woodchuck, whatever you call them, it’s a giant rat that will dig out the ground from underneath your slab, porch, or whatever structure you would like to not collapse. These rats do not recognize any deterrent. You have to murder them.

This is a really good point. Emergencies happen not because one thing went wrong, but because 2+ things go wrong at exactly the wrong time.

If you know what I mean *wink*

Ehhhh.... I get the part about working in Germany, the move to a backwater to show him the door is a possibility. But, if that’s what happened where is the actual evidence of it?