No, it is not warranted. Frankly, it’s a lot better than some of the borderline cringey stuff white celebrities say about their children who are not white.
In 2011, Kristin Davis adopted Gemma Rose Davis. In 2016, Davis realized that her whiteness only protects her and not her daughter. Great.
He’s under no illusions about the sensibility of everyone else, but he’s smart enough to know that the instant he drops the civility and lowers himself even slightly towards the level of inane contempt that is constantly aimed at him, he loses the high ground and all the tropes and racism will turn against him.…
Choke back the vomit and follow Bannon’s example?
then lets just hope she loves me too much to buy me “Women in Trees”
It does. I believe there have been more racist outbursts in the aftermath of Trump winning. I saw one myself. But this note? It’s a weird combination of motor skills, prose, and concepts, that don’t seem like they fit any one age of child. If it’s real, it seems like it wouldn’t be hard to figure out which child…
That looks kinda suspicious.
I just told my boyfriend that I loved him a couple days ago. He said it back. I wonder if we’re still able to get married if it comes to that. I’m heartbroken on a thousand different issues.
Right? First thing I thought when I saw that look was high-fashion suffragette realness. I’m LIVING for it.
Yeah, I didn’t get that either. I mean this might be a Carrie take on a Suffragette but still.
Huma Abedin, maybe? Not to cast any aspersions on Huma’s conduct or character...she’s just someone I’ve had the exact same thoughts about lately. So glad I am not her.
There are not many people in this world whom I would less like to be than Sabrina Rubin Erdely. She made her bed, but ouch, the public career humiliation, now complete with monetary damages, that will never go away.
please stop with the manufactured outrage outrage and learn humor.
Kind of hoping Jez writes a story about this thread later. This got weird real fast I never knew people got so intense about serving sizes and prices. Must be the season.
Wow. She is an amazing and courageous woman.